What was the response to Urban II's sermon 1095
- Created by: tash_c1ark
- Created on: 23-04-21 08:56
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- What was the response to Urban II's sermon?
- Bishop of Le Puy became the first to join the cursade
- William became the Spiritual Leader of the expedition
- a spiritual leader would help ensure other affluential leaders join = more numbers
- Volunteers would have remission of sins
- could be granted a plenary indulgence
- Word spread and by the next day Raymond of Toulouse arrived to pledge loyalty = he was the first major lord to join
- possessions and land were promised to be looked after
- Urban initiated a new concept of Holy War to liberate eastern Christianity
- Urban went on a tour of preaching to gather support
- Peoples Crusade 1096
- First Crusade 1095 - 1099
- Bishop of Le Puy became the first to join the cursade
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