What did people think caused disease in the early 1800s?
- Created by: darceylois24
- Created on: 13-06-16 13:56
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- Fading beliefs
- What did people think caused disease in the early 1800s?
- Bad air/miasma
- The idea that bad air causes diseases
- The dirt in the streets gave off terrible smells so people assumed these smells caused and spread disease
- People called the poisonous fumes miasma
- In the 19th Century the rapid growth of industrialisation created filthy and bed smelling cities which tended to be the focal point of disease
- By improving sanitation and general cleanliness levels of disease were seen to fall
- Spontaneous generation theory
- Scientists used new microscopes to study micro-organisms on rotting food
- They tried to work out where the organisms came from
- They decided that the organisms were spontaneously generated by the process of decay
- The microscope
- In the 1800s Joseph Lister developed the microscope which magnified things 1000 times
- Scientists could now study the tiny organisms found in water, food and human waste
- Bad air/miasma
- Diseases were thought to be caused when the body's humours are out of balance
- Many people thought diseases were sent from God as a punishment for their sins
- What did people think caused disease in the early 1800s?
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