Westward Migration
- Created by: Hattie2106
- Created on: 23-01-19 18:11
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- Westward Migration
- Why move West?
- Pull factors: Freedom & Independence, Fertile Land, Space, Gold, Oregon Trail
- Push factors: Collapse of Wheat Prices, Overpopulation, Persecution, Unemployment.
- 1836 - First migrants travel the Oregon Trail.
- 1837 - Financial Crisis Economic Depression.
- Banks w/ no money, loss of savings & jobs, businesses closed. Unemployment reached 25% in some area.
- 1848-49 - The Gold Rush
- Manifest Destiny: God's will that white American's should settle all over America.
- The Gold Rush of 1849
- Gold was discovered in 1848 in California
- A famine in China led to 20,000 Chinese people migrating there in 1852.
- Most of the many tens of thousands of migrants did not find gold.
- Consequences
- Increase in Conflict & Tension = More racial tension due to large immigration (300,000 by 1855).
- Genocide
- Gold boosts US economy - development & railroads
- Farming business booms
- Increase in Conflict & Tension = More racial tension due to large immigration (300,000 by 1855).
- Oregon Trail & Donner Party
- 3200-3800km long, starting at Independence, Missouri.
- Before Winter, risk of stuck.
- Dangers = sandstorms, quicksand extremities, disease, storm, buffalo.
- DP - 1846-47
- Crossed 2 mountain ranges.
- The Mormon Migration 1846-47
- Joseph Smith founded the Church of Latter-Day Saints.
- He was murdered in Illinois in 1844
- Brigham Young took over in 1846, forced to migrate with 1500 others.
- To make the journey: split everyone into groups with a leader, specific roles, taught safety wagon positions, insisted on discipline & regular rest.
- Young's party had enough food for a yea
- Succes in Utah - faith, control, Church own resources.
- Dug irrigation ditches, farming was easier.
- Problems of Farming the Plains
- Climate, Grasshoppers, Lack of water & trees, thick sod, prairie fire and weather.
- Lack of timber = sod houses.
- Thick walls & roof = good insulator & fireproof.
- Impossible to clean & full of insects.
- Tough Environment
- Farming - unpredictable crops & soil (broke ploughs).
- At first, farmers had to dig sod with spades.
- Farming - unpredictable crops & soil (broke ploughs).
- Why move West?
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