West End Blues Part 2
- Created by: Former Member
- Created on: 21-01-18 14:48
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- West End Blues (2)
- Sonority
- Rhythm section = drums piano banjo
- Piano
- Extended register
- Improvised scalic semiquaver runs
- Piano
- Frontline = trumpet clarinet trombone
- Trombone
- Vibrato in solos
- Pitch bends
- Articulating note changes
- Glissandos
- Clarinet
- Bottom of it's register
- opposite of dixieland
- Bottom of it's register
- Trumpet
- Vibrato
- Pitch bends
- Trombone
- Rhythm section = drums piano banjo
- Texture
- Introduction
- Monophonic
- Afterwards
- Homophonic/melody and accompaniment
- Repeated comping chords
- Occasional drum fills
- Homophonic/melody and accompaniment
- Bar 8-9
- Parallel 3rd between trumpet and clarinet
- Bar 41
- Parallel tri-tones between clarinet and voice
- Antiphony Bar 31-42
- Piano
- RH = octaves (Bar 47-50)
- Introduction
- Tempo, Rhythm, Metre
- Swung rhythms
- anticipation
- Bars 7-62
- Background of regular crotches (comping chords)
- Syncopation
- Ragtime rhytmic bounces
- Phrases end on offbeat note
- Bar 66
- Breaks into 3/4 - breaking tempo and rhythm before the final chord
- Swung rhythms
- Dynamics and Articulation
- None marked
- Sonority
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