Weimar Republic 1919-1933
Strengths and weaknesses of the Weimar Republic/constitution 1919-1933
Reasons for threat of political extremism in the Weimar Republic 1919-1933
- Created by: Madeleine Banatvala
- Created on: 05-01-15 11:13
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- Weimar Republic 1919-1933
- Reasons for + threat of political extremism.
- Left
- committed to parliamentary democracy
- Failure:
- Bad co-ordination
- Incapable of mounting a unified attack on Weimar democracy.
- Poor leadership
- e.g.Karl Luxemburg + Rosa Liebknecht
- internal divisions + disagreements on tactics
- e.g.Karl Luxemburg + Rosa Liebknecht
- Concessions
- Repression
- Authorities systematically repressed the rebels with brutality
- Pressed for a workers' revolution
- Bad co-ordination
- split
- wanted the creation of a radical socialist society but within a democratic framwork
- The extreme left posed much less of a threat to Weimar than was believed at the time.
- Germany was facing a Bolshevik-inspired 'Red Threat'
- Right
- Anti-democracy
- rejection of Weimar = destroy democratic constitution
- Anti-Marxism
- fear of communism
- Authoritarianism
- dictatorial regime
- Nationalism
- The core of the right - deeply hurt by the war guilt clause
- A formidable threat:
- sizable electoral base
- 1919 more than 1/4 of the electorate voted for the right
- extensive support - elites
- military potential
- sizable electoral base
- Failure:
- did not have majority support
- weakened by internal divisions
- Weimar republic fought back = supporters vigorously defended it.
- Anti-democracy
- Left
- Strengths + weaknesses of the WR
- Strengths
- President + Reichstag voted in by suffrage (over 20)
- Bill of Rights secured individual rights and freedoms
- Power balance between President, Reichstag + Reichsrat
- PR = broad spectrum of political opinion
- Article 48 - allow the president to prevent a dictator being voted in
- Weaknesses
- Constitution = the product of moderate left-wing Parties = not representative of traditional Parties
- Many of its features were not accepted i.e Bill of Rights/PR
- Strengths
- Reasons for + threat of political extremism.
- PR System = gov's = short-lived + compromise difficult.
- Weaknesses
- Constitution = the product of moderate left-wing Parties = not representative of traditional Parties
- Many of its features were not accepted i.e Bill of Rights/PR
- Weaknesses
- Article 48: could be abused + undermine democracy
- "defeated armies returned to starving homes" - British historian Elizabeth Wiskemann
- Reasons for Left PE
- Left
- committed to parliamentary democracy
- Failure:
- Bad co-ordination
- Incapable of mounting a unified attack on Weimar democracy.
- Poor leadership
- e.g.Karl Luxemburg + Rosa Liebknecht
- internal divisions + disagreements on tactics
- e.g.Karl Luxemburg + Rosa Liebknecht
- Concessions
- Repression
- Authorities systematically repressed the rebels with brutality
- Pressed for a workers' revolution
- Bad co-ordination
- split
- wanted the creation of a radical socialist society but within a democratic framwork
- The extreme left posed much less of a threat to Weimar than was believed at the time.
- Germany was facing a Bolshevik-inspired 'Red Threat'
- Left
- Reasons for Left PE
- Reasons for Left PE
- Had deeper roots in society.
- Right
- Anti-democracy
- rejection of Weimar = destroy democratic constitution
- Anti-Marxism
- fear of communism
- Authoritarianism
- dictatorial regime
- Nationalism
- The core of the right - deeply hurt by the war guilt clause
- A formidable threat:
- sizable electoral base
- 1919 more than 1/4 of the electorate voted for the right
- extensive support - elites
- military potential
- sizable electoral base
- Failure:
- did not have majority support
- weakened by internal divisions
- Weimar republic fought back = supporters vigorously defended it.
- Anti-democracy
- Right
- Early 1920 events moved in its favour.
- Reasons for Right PE
- War Guilt Clause = article 231
- November criminals = accepted 'shameful peace' TofV.
- Reparations
- Reasons for Right PE
- War Guilt Clause = article 231
- November criminals = accepted 'shameful peace' TofV.
- Reasons for Right PE
- The 'stab-in-the-back' myth = Dolchtosslegende
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