Weimar Republic
- Created by: emi2266
- Created on: 07-11-21 16:24
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- Weimar Republic
- Consequence of WW1
- Political
- abdication of the Kaiser on Nov 9th 1918
- Power passed to Council of Peoples Representative - a temp gov led by Ebert
- Jan 1919 Election
- 83% turnout
- Coalition of the SPD, DDR, ZP
- Introduced Democracy & prevented revolution
- Generated the 'Stab in the Back' myth
- abdication of the Kaiser on Nov 9th 1918
- Social
- divided politically, religiously & employer divide
- Shortages b/c of Naval Blockade
- Increase in working women
- 600K widows, 2mil kids w/o dads
- Economic
- Industry Fell: 2/3 of pre-war levels
- National Income Fell: 1/3 to 1913
- Virtually bankrupted & Hyperinflation
- ToV - June 28th 1919
- Lost: 10% of Land, 12.5% population, 16% coal, 48% iron
- not allowed to join LoN
- 6.6billion reparations
- no aircraft or tanks, 100K soldiers, 15K Navy limit
- No Anschluss
- Weimar lost support - Germany seen as weak
- Constitution
- Proportional Rep caused coalitions
- indivertibly caused political instability
- Presidential power; Article 48
- Proportional Rep caused coalitions
- Political
- Opposition
- Spartacist Revolt, Jan 1919
- Aims; 1) Alliance w/Lenin & have a revolution similar to the 1917 Russian one. 2) Cancellation of national assembly. 3) Coal, Iron & Steel industry to be run by state. 4) Workers Militia
- Rosa Luxemburg Karl Liebknecht
- Began in Berlin, didn't have enough support & poor organisation. Taken down by Friekorps
- Formed KPD w/ help from Leftist parties
- Kapp Putsch, 1920
- Wolfgang Kapp
- Freikorps disbanded, had opportunity to seize Gov buildings in Berlin
- Kapp proclaimed himself chancellor, army refused to help Reichstag Fled
- TUs called a general strike - caused Kapp to be defeated
- Munich Putsch, Nov 8th 1923
- Hitler Ludendorff
- wanted military dictatorship & Nazi support
- seized state governor, escaped and alarmed the police
- defeated by the police in Munich; 16 Nazis killed, 11 Police Officers
- Hitler Arrested, trial used as publicity - wrote Mien Kampf in jail
- Spartacist Revolt, Jan 1919
- Great Depression
- unemployment worsened - 6mil by 1933
- demands for goods collapsed - economic spiral
- gov revenue fell dramatically
- USA recalled loans
- Failures of Weimar
- Great Coalition couldn't agree on solution, compromises failed - Muller resigned, instability created
- Burning, 1930-1932
- Called for an election - big gain for extremists
- March 1930 - Dissolved Reichstag b/c didn't like his financial bills
- Defamatory policies caused real incomes to fall
- Banned the SA
- Land reforms in Prussia upset many, relied too much on article 48, lost Hindenburg's support
- Papen, May 1932 - Nov 1932
- used emergency decrees
- Lifted ban on SA to please the Nazis
- army unwilling to support , Lost Hindenburgs support
- Schleicher, Dec 1932 - Jan 1933
- emergency decrees
- developed Burnings land resettlements
- alienated the elite, lack of support, lost Hindenburg's support
- The Golden Years 1924-1929
- Dawes Plan (1924), USA finance German expansion. 800 million marks
- Young Plan (1929), reparations reduced by 20%, extended repayment
- Lacarno Treaties, Germany accept Western boarders, invasion only in self defence
- Young Plan (1929), reparations reduced by 20%, extended repayment
- Economy
- inflation controlled, heavy industry recovered quick
- 1924-30, increase in hrly wage; 1928, unemployment levelled; New Reparation Scheme
- Savers lost - relied on foreign investments
- Farmer debt increased but wages decreased
- reliant on US loans
- Political
- 1926 - join LoN & free of military obligatiosn
- No more putsches but basic problems still remained
- Social
- expressionism & realism introduced
- women elected into Reichstag
- Welfare state - living conditions improved
- unequal pay for women
- Dawes Plan (1924), USA finance German expansion. 800 million marks
- Problems
- Invasion of the Ruhr, 1923
- Germany fell behind on payments, FR occupied the Ruhr
- Helped untie German people
- workers went on strike - passive resistance
- cause economic problems, worsened inflation
- Stresemann created Great Coalition - ended passive resistance
- Germany fell behind on payments, FR occupied the Ruhr
- Hyperinflation
- WW1 bonds, blockade, reparations
- Aug 1923, Mark was worthless - unemployment & shortages
- support for extremists
- winners; mortgage holders, exporters, blackmarket
- Losers; savers, fixed income
- winners; mortgage holders, exporters, blackmarket
- support for extremists
- Aug 1923, Mark was worthless - unemployment & shortages
- WW1 bonds, blockade, reparations
- Invasion of the Ruhr, 1923
- Consequence of WW1
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