Weimar republic 1919-1933 mindmap
- Created by: Eleanornixon31
- Created on: 11-03-21 10:23
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- Wiemar Republic 1919-1933
- Consequences of WW1
- Political: Abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm II, violent uprisings from various groups, election led to coalition of SPD, catholic centre party and DDP as a new government
- Economic: Germany was virtually bankrupt, national income fell to a third of what it was in 1913, significant reparations
- Social: Caused divisions between rich and poor, food shortages, women had to work in factories to maintain production
- Impact of Treaty of Versailles
- Land lost- Alsace Lorraine given to France, Rhineland demilitarised, Anschluss with Austria was forbidden
- Military losses- Army reduced from 4.5 million to 100,000, tanks and aircraft forbidden, navy reduced to 15,000 men
- Reparations- 1921 decided they had to pay £6,000 million, also had to pay for damage in France, Most Germans were outraged by this
- Challenges to Weimar Republic
- Germany's constitution- proportional representation, coalitions unstable, no party held a majority
- Communist revolts- Spartacists uprising to bring communism to Berlin, lacked trade unions and SD support, it was crushed by military and Freikorps
- Kapp Putsch- Right wing marched and claimed the Freikorp party, Army was crushed and gov fled.General strike called and workers started to support right wing causing left wing hostiles
- Munich Putch- Nazi and right wing groups planned putch against Bavarian gov. Hitler planned a coup. Police killed Nazi's and arrested HItler
- Invasion of Ruhr- Germany failed to pay reparations so France and Belgium sent troops. Workers went on strike. A coalition was set up and republic lost support
- Hyperinflation- As a result of inflation, Germany Germany printed off more money to pay striking workers but it was worthless causing unrest and starvation
- Weimar Republic
- Stresemann-1923 chancellor then foreign minister, Stresemann strategy 1923-29; formed DVP, wanted to make Germany a constitutional monarchy
- Foreign relations- Kellog Briand pact, league of nations, locarno pact
- New currency- Introduction of Rentenmark which value was tied to price of gold, and Reichmark to end hyperinflation- people gained trust
- foreign loans- Dawes plan; American banks loan Germany $25 billion and reduce reparations. Young plan; Reparations debt reduced to £2 billion and given another 52 years to pay off
- Political stability- Governed by stable coalition, SPD and DVP argued over social and economic policies, gov try to make stable conditions through good relations with allies
- Living/working conditions- working hours reduced to 8, welfare benefits and pensions provided, poor still had high taxes and wages were low, causing poverty
- cultural advancement- New art forms, german cinema evolved, risque songs and music of nightclubs challenged traditional german values
- Stresemann-1923 chancellor then foreign minister, Stresemann strategy 1923-29; formed DVP, wanted to make Germany a constitutional monarchy
- Impact of great depression
- By 1932, 33% of workforce were unemployed, people's savings were wiped out, people had less money to spend and demand for goods collapsed
- Failings of Wiemar republic
- Grand coalition of 1928- SPD, DVP, DDP only worked together because Muller and Stresemann held great esteem, they couldnt agree on what to do with unemployment
- Collapse of US stock market- Germany reliant on US loans (they asked for it back), made people look to Nazi group
- Rise and appeal of Hitler
- Political support- Wiemar government appeared weak, Nazi's offered public work schemes, people feared communism would grow
- Propaganda- posters calling out to industrialists, Hitler flew over country to speak, rallies and parades
- Backstairs intrigue- Schliecher had overwhelmed Von Papen by stealing his chancellorship, and so he convinced Hindenburg to appoint Hitler and give him support within the reichstag, assuring him that he could be 'tamed and controlled' and with the help of Hindenburg's son and due to his old age, he agreed.
- Appointment as chancellor- Hitler refused vice chancellor so he formed a nazi-nationalist coalition which won support of elites.On 30 Jan 1933 he was appointed as chancellor.
- Consequences of WW1
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