Weimar Constitution
- Created by: Roliver
- Created on: 13-09-19 05:41
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- Weimar Constitution
- centre
- 17.9%
- 19.7%
- long established
- fanatically opposed to Communism
- firmly against left-wing policies
- defended the church
- mainly catholic
- between the left and right wing groups
- drew people from many social groups
- moderately conservative
- led by Gustav Stresemann
- supported by wealthy middle class
- wanted the economy fixed fast
- nationalist
- supported the army
- 14%
- 4.4%
- monarchist
- made from older conservative parties
- didn't want social reform
- supported the army
- anti semitic
- nationalist
- 15.1%
- 10.3%
- newly formed
- supported the republic
- wanted social reform
- supported reforming the army
- wanted to give workers a better deal
- liberal, educated professionals
- 8.3%
- 18.6&
- wanted mild social reform
- didn't want revolution
- liberal, middle class following
- largest party in Reichstag from 1919-1929
- believed in the republic
- long established
- 21.6%
- 37.9%
- wanted a more radical system than a republic
- stood for social reform that included creating a more equal society
- split from SPD in 1917
- 7.8%
- 17.9%
- communist
- set up in 1919
- wanted workers' revolution
- young, poor and unemployed following
- abolition of private ownership
- none
- 2.1%
- centre
- % of votes in1919
- % of votes in 1920
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