Weimar aspects of life
- Created by: milliexm25
- Created on: 08-05-23 11:35
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- Weimar aspects of life 1918-1933
- Ethnic minorities
- Jews consisted of less than 1% of population, mainly living in Prussia
- Poles on Eastern border and Danes living near border with Denmark.
- There were travelling gypsy communities all across Germany but common in Bavaria
- Gypsies persecuted. Many cities refused entry, Prussia insisted on taking finger prints. Bavaria insisted on identity cards for gypsies from 1927.
- Some mixed-race children growing up in Ruhr area due to presence of French troops in 1923
- Jews prospered in Weimar - 11% of doctors Jewish and 16% of lawyers.
- 5 cabinet ministers were Jewish such as Walter Rathenau.
- Free to organise their own community groups, newspapers and religious worship
- However, there was still prejudice. - over 700 anti-semitic journals. Jewish graves desecrated, jews were attacked in the streets.
- Poles and Danes treared well mostly and were allowed to retain their culture
- Article 113 of the constitution guaranteed rights of ethnic minorities, covering their culture, religion and language.
- Education
- Reduced religious control of schools
- Abolition of elite prep schools and introduction of 4-year basic schools
- More opportunities for poorer children
- Progressive teachers improved teaching with child-friendly styles of teaching
- Teachers required to reached Abitur (A-levels) to teach
- Aufbauschule - new schools for poorer children who were academically gifted
- Progressive teachers improved teaching with child-friendly styles of teaching
- More opportunities for poorer children
- Abolition of elite prep schools and introduction of 4-year basic schools
- Class divide remained
- Universities not reformed
- Schools remained deeply divided on religious lines
- Only 2.3% of graduates were working class
- Universities not reformed
- Reduced religious control of schools
- Culture
- Article 118 = Every German allowed to express his opinion freely in word, printing, image etc. No censorship
- Urban areas = socialism and liberalism. Cross dressing, anti-war novels and plays. Jazz music. Attacks on traditional themes.
- Rural areas = nationalism, patriotic and pro-war attitudes. Fear and distrust of alternative sexual lifestyles.
- Jazz = popular and influential. Herb Flemming
- Theatre = 3 penny opera
- Architecture = Bauhaus school, Walter Gropius
- Literature = All quiet on the Western front 1927, anti-war novel.
- Art = Otto Dix, George Grosz
- Film = Metropolis 1927.
- Decadence = Overindulgence was the conservative view
- Art = Otto Dix, George Grosz
- Literature = All quiet on the Western front 1927, anti-war novel.
- Architecture = Bauhaus school, Walter Gropius
- Ethnic minorities
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