- Created by: frankie306
- Created on: 09-06-15 16:16
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- Waves
- the nature of waves
- transverse
- vibrate at right angles to direction of energy transfer
- electromagnetic waves
- longitudinal
- vibrate parallel to the direction of energy transfer
- sound
- Mechanical waves
- need a medium to travel through
- can be transverse or longitudinal
- transverse
- Measuring waves
- amplitude = height
- frequency = number of
- wavelength = distance from one wave crest to the next
- wave speed = frequency x wavelength
- reflection
- normal
- perpendicular to mirrow
- angle of incidence = angle of reflection
- normal
- refraction
- change of direction of waves when they travel across a boundary
- air into glass = towards the normal
- Diffraction
- spreading out of waves when they pass through a gap
- narrower gap = bigger diffraction
- radio waves do not diffract enough when they go over hills
- poor TV reception
- sound
- humans can hear 20 - 20000Hz
- cannot travel through a vacuum
- echoes = reflected sound waves
- high pitch = high frequency
- the nature of waves
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