Water Cycle and Rivers
- Created by: Chelsea McKibben
- Created on: 26-09-16 20:38
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- Water Cycle and Rivers
- Water Cycle
- The water or hydrological cycle is a natural system where water is in constant movement above, on or below the surface of the earth.
- Evaporation - Water is transformed into water vapour.
- Transpiration - Water vapour is lost from vegetation.
- Precipitation - Water Vapour condenses into drizzle, rain, snow, sleet and hail.
- Through flow - Water moves downhill through the soil.
- Percolation - Water moves slowly from the soil and into the rock.
- Infiltration - Water soaks (filters) into the soil.
- Groundwater flow - Water moves slowly through the soil and rocks back into the sea.
- Surface runoff/ overland flow - Water moves across the surface of the earth, becoming a stream, tributary or river.
- Groundwater flow - Water moves slowly through the soil and rocks back into the sea.
- Infiltration - Water soaks (filters) into the soil.
- Percolation - Water moves slowly from the soil and into the rock.
- Through flow - Water moves downhill through the soil.
- Precipitation - Water Vapour condenses into drizzle, rain, snow, sleet and hail.
- Surface runoff/ overland flow - Water moves across the surface of the earth, becoming a stream, tributary or river.
- Transpiration - Water vapour is lost from vegetation.
- Inputs - are when water is introduced or put into the system .e.g. Precipitation.
- Drainage Basin
- Source - Where drops of water join to start a river.
- Confluence - Where two rivers meet and join.
- Watershed - The dividing line between one drainage basin and another.
- River Channel - The main body of water flowing downhill.
- Mouth - The place where the river flows into the sea.
- Tributary - A small river or stream.
- Mouth - The place where the river flows into the sea.
- River Channel - The main body of water flowing downhill.
- Watershed - The dividing line between one drainage basin and another.
- Confluence - Where two rivers meet and join.
- Source - Where drops of water join to start a river.
- Long Profile
- Long Profile - This is the side view of the river.
- Velocity - The speed of water.
- Bedload size - The material carried by the river. Also called Load.
- Bedload shape - Angular rocks on the upper course.
- Upper course:
- Width = narrow
- Depth = shallow
- Velocity = slow (because the water hits against the rocks)
- Bedload size/shape = Big/Angular
- Velocity = slow (because the water hits against the rocks)
- Depth = shallow
- Width = narrow
- S = D/T
- Websites to help:
- Bitesize
- S-Cool
- Science Kids
- S-Cool - Long Profile
- The Dynamic Landscape
- Dynamic - means constantly changing e.g. valleys, coasts and deserts.
- Permeable - means that it's possible for water to soak through e.g. soil.
- Impermeable - means that it's impossible for water to soak through e.g. concrete.
- River processes
- Erosion - involves in the wearing away of rock and soil.
- Attrition - rocks being carried along by the river smash together and break into smaller, smoother and rounder particles.
- Abrasion - rocks carried along by the river wear down the river bed and banks.
- Hydraulic action - the force of the river against the banks can cause air to be trapped in cracks and crevices.
- Water Cycle
- Suspension - fine light material is carried along in the water.
- Saltation - small pebbles and stones are bounced along the river bed.
- Traction - large boulders and rocks are rolled along the river bed.
- Transport - Rivers pick up and carry material as they flow downstream.
- Saltation - small pebbles and stones are bounced along the river bed.
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