Was the Philippines a Model State?
- Created by: lizziemaisie
- Created on: 08-04-18 15:14
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- Was the Philippines a successful model state?
- Democracy
- Amended constitution of '40 (elect congress and President like US)
- Constitution enforces all laws
- Democracy
- Amended constitution of '40 (elect congress and President like US)
- Constitution enforces all laws
- Constitution enforces all laws
- Bills of Rights such as freedom of speech
- Corrupt government - election of Roxas
- Electoral system marred as it was dominated by super class
- '49 elections - Quirino becomes president though he didn't win fairly
- '46 election - Huks unseated by Liberal Party
- '46 election - Huks unseated by Liberal Party
- '49 elections - Quirino becomes president though he didn't win fairly
- Huks rebelled due to corrupt government
- Amended constitution of '40 (elect congress and President like US)
- Democracy
- Constitution enforces all laws
- Bills of Rights such as freedom of speech
- Corrupt government - election of Roxas
- Electoral system marred as it was dominated by super class
- Huks rebelled due to corrupt government
- Amended constitution of '40 (elect congress and President like US)
- Capatilist Economy
- Free trade policy - US give $620 mil through Tydings Rehabilitation Act
- Help rebuild the Philippines
- US abused Filipino natural resources
- Bell Trade Act '46 (protected US goods)
- US abused Filipino natural resources
- If Bell Trade wasn't approved, then the Philippines wouldn't get their $ from US
- Free trade policy - US give $620 mil through Tydings Rehabilitation Act
- Containment of Communism (US ally)
- 22 US military bases ('47)
- Important for Defensive Perimeter
- Philippines were unstable due to corrupt government - not a good ally
- 22 US military bases ('47)
- Democracy
- Communism was attractive fot the poor due to poor economic situation
- Huk rebellion ('50)
- Containment of Communism (US ally)
- 22 US military bases ('47)
- Important for Defensive Perimeter
- Philippines were unstable due to corrupt government - not a good ally
- 22 US military bases ('47)
- Containment of Communism (US ally)
- Huk rebellion ('50)