Influences on Nazi foreign policy
- Created by: emilylines
- Created on: 02-01-19 10:28
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- Was Hitler's foreign policy influenced?
- Third Reich/ Germany's right to power
- Nostalgic for the greatness of Germany's past
- Focused on success of 1st and 2nd Reich
- This influenced Nazi foreign policy by...
- 1) Endorsing expansionism
- 2) Desire for peace, using alliances in the early years
- 3) Justified expansionism
- Expanded by using military strength & alliances with other nations
- Impact of WW1
- Before 1933, the ToV began to get overturned when they were secretly rearming
- USSR allowed this
- Stab in the back myth
- 6.4 mil Germans lived outside borders in weak states
- Allies followed appeasement, as they didn't want another war
- This influenced Nazi foreign policy by...
- 1) Opposing ToV led to a rise in Nazi popularity
- 2) Determined Nazi vision for expansion
- 3) Gave Hitler confidence to pursue expansion
- Before 1933, the ToV began to get overturned when they were secretly rearming
- Aryan Racial Theory
- Nazis believed in the superiority of the Aryan race
- Pan-Germanist views (unite all German speakers)
- Conflict with other races to create Lebensraum
- This influenced Nazi foreign policy by...
- 1)Encouraged to make alliances with racially 'pure' countries
- 2)Encouraged G to expand its borders to unite German speakers
- 3) Promote Eastward expansion (west superior)
- 4) Determined Germanisation implemented in new territories
- However, examples show he was acting opportunisti-cally
- Nazi-Soviet pact Aug 1939
- Anti-Comintern pact with Japan & Hitler made them 'honorary Aryans', suggesting he made plans that suited him
- Third Reich/ Germany's right to power
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