Was Germany responsible for the outbreak of WW1
- Created by: KatyX97
- Created on: 19-05-16 19:56
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- Was Germany responsible for the outbreak of the First World War?
- Agree with argument
- G pursued a policy of European dominance (hegemony)
- G planned war in order to gain hegemony
- Schliefffen Plan
- No clear evidence that G planned war- just planned for possibility of war. G felt Entente was aggressive and hostile coalition.
- Schliefffen Plan
- G planned war in order to gain hegemony
- G took decisions in 1914 after death of Ad F Ferdinand that led to war
- Invasion of Belgium
- Kaiser Wilhelm
- Inability to rule
- Jealousies
- Arms race
- Naval race
- Wanted more colonies
- Time had passed
- Imperialism
- Wanted more colonies
- Time had passed
- Felt closed in
- Wanted more colonies
- G pursued a policy of European dominance (hegemony)
- Disagree/Other factors
- No clear evidence that G planned war- just planned for possibility of war. G felt Entente was aggressive and hostile coalition.
- Other countries' responsibility
- All European Great Powers part of alliance system that created tensions.
- Moroccan Crises 1911
- Bosnian Crises
- Other European countries were involved in events causing conflicts leading to WW1.
- Britain, France, Russia and G contributed to build up of arms
- Arms race
- Naval race
- Crisis after death of AFF not started by G. G was not only power to make decisions in 1914 which led to war.
- International Rivalries
- All European Great Powers part of alliance system that created tensions.
- Pan-Slavism
- Gavrilo Princip
- French Revanche
- French eager to gain territorial losses made in war of 1871
- Agree with argument
- Imperialism
- Felt closed in
- Discontented with Austrian interference in Bosnia
- Death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
- Gavrilo Princip
- Bosnian Crises
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