Was collectivisation a success?
- Created by: Mubanga Kauseni
- Created on: 04-06-19 17:51
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- Was collectivisation a success
- Socially
- Wide spread opposition and outbreak of civil war in the country side
- Peasants with fertile land were very hostile
- Peasants burnt their land, crops and life stock to prevent themselves being labelled as Kulaks
- Peasants who revolted had their villages burnt down and deported/executed. Killing Kulaks removed the most successful and skilled farmers
- 10 Million peasants died as a result of resistance and deportation. peasants felt betrayed.
- Wide spread opposition and outbreak of civil war in the country side
- Political
- Consolidated Stalin's leadership because it was the first time the government had complete control of the countryside. Something Lenin never achieved
- Those who disagreed with collectivisation lost influence. Class differences were abolished In the country side.
- Economic
- There was little incentive for the peasantry to produce grain
- The famine of 1932-1934 killed off the peasants and led to a drop to grain production.
- But exports did increase
- Agricultural production fell dramatically and recovery did not take place until the late 1930s
- few tractors, poorly organised collective farms which led to slow and brutal process to reach Stalin's economic goal
- Ideological
- industrial workers were fed
- 70% of peasants on collective farms by 1934, 75% by 1935, 90% by 1937 and 100% y 1941
- Socially
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