War and Peace
- Created by: Phoebe
- Created on: 11-05-13 15:35
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- War And Peace
- Just War Theory
- Last Resort
- Right Intentions
- Proportionality
- Just Cause
- Win Possible
- Proper Authority
- Just Means
- Jus ad Bellum
- Proper Authority
- Just Cause
- Right Intention
- Last Resort
- Wiin Possible
- Jus in Bello
- Proportianality
- Just Means
- Jus post Bellum
- Preservation of Peace
- Paris Peace Conference after WW1
- League of Nations
- The UN
- Preservation of Peace
- Natural Law
- The Just War Theory Is a Natural Law view
- Doctrine of Double effect
- Preservation of life
- Live in society
- God - Sancity of Life
- Kantian Ethics
- wouldnt support needless war as cant be universilized
- War for defence can be universilized
- Conscription is using people as a means to an end
- Soldiers going by choice are being paid and not a means to an end
- All theories agree against war but in the Just war theory
- UTtilitarianism
- Act princaple of utility - Just cause?
- Rule utiltarianism - Anti war protection of individuals
- Preference - Just war theory
- One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter
- Just War Theory
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