AQA GCSE RE: War and Peace
- Created by: caitlinford74
- Created on: 12-04-16 09:53
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- War and Peace
- Overarching Religious Opinions
- Islam - war is okay
- Christian - Just/Holy War
- 'Nuclear weapons can't be justified and deserve condemnation'
- Life is God-given / Sanctity of Life
- Buddhism - strive for peace, war isn't okay
- Peace: absence of conflict
- Buddhists are pacifists
- They don't believe in fighting as it goes against their first moral precept
- Pacifists believe violence against a human is wrong
- Pacifists believe war can never be justified
- Pacifists are conscientious objectors
- Pacifists believe violence against a human is wrong
- Conscientious objector: killing is against thier conscience
- They don't believe in fighting as it goes against their first moral precept
- Why War?
- Defend country
- Defend ally
- Defend beliefs
- Religious Reason
- Gain money/power
- Stop mass murder
- Gain land
- Remove a leader/dictator
- Case Studies
- Vietnam War
- 47,000 died
- 8.7m troops
- 5 16y/o killed
- 5283 lost limbs
- average troop age was 22
- 7500 women served
- Chinese Invasion of Tibet 1959
- They broke vows not to fight- which goes against the first moral precept
- Chinese government had a mass genocide of Tibetans
- They taught the children
- Buddhist War
- Vietnam War
- Just and Holy War
- Just War 7 conditions
- Last Resort
- Establish good
- Reasonable chance of success
- Authority declaration
- Good outweighs evil
- Good reason
- Proportional
- Holy War 3 conditions
- Has a religious goal
- Fought in the name of God
- Fought by a religious leader
- Just War 7 conditions
- Islam & War
- Jihad: to strive or struggle in the way of Allah
- Greater Jihad: the personal, spiritual struggles of a Muslim to follow the teaching of Allah
- Islam means peace
- 'Hate your enemy mildly, for he may become your friend one day'
- 'If an enemy inclines towards peace, you should and have trust in Allah as he sees all'
- Muslims say 'salaam' (peace be with you)
- Jihad: to strive or struggle in the way of Allah
- Weapons of Mass Destruction
- WMD: Weapons that can kill large numbers of people and/or create great damage
- Proliferation: spreading to other countries and getting more numerous
- Nuclear
- Fusion Bombs
- Fission Bombs
- Neutron Bombs
- Radioactive fallout will kill more than the original explosion
- Biological
- Enters food/water supplies
- Banned under Geneva conventions
- e.g plauge, ebola
- Chemical
- Banned in 1925
- gets chemicals into the blood e.g mustard gas
- used by UK & Germany in the past
- still used in Vietnam & Iraq
- can cause choking / burning / paralysis
- It's a deterrent
- Protects a country from attack
- A country would be vulnerable without it
- CND has set up to protest against them
- CND: campaign for nuclear disarmament
- CND: campaign for nuclear disarmament
- It isn't peaceful
- Goes against religious ideas
- Inhumane / killing is wrong
- CND has set up to protest against them
- WMD: Weapons that can kill large numbers of people and/or create great damage
- 2003 UN mission in Liberia
- UN conflict with democratic republic of the Congo 2010
- Both about peace
- 2003 UN mission in Liberia
- Both about peace
- MDG (millenium development goal)
- run by the UN, 8 goals were set up in 2000
- Christian
- 'nuclear weapons can't be justified'
- Islam
- All countries, starting with those that have the most nuclear weapons, should destroy these
- Buddhism
- Quakers
- We believe nations should remove compre hensive disarmament.
- We urge removal of all weapons
- Christian
- Condemned by all religions
- Doesn't fit with religious teaching or Just/Holy War criteria
- No justification of it
- Terrorism: an act of extreme violence that is carried out unauthorised groups. Designed to kill as many people as possible
- Indiscriminately - not caring who
- IRENA SENDLER (1920 - 2008)
- A Polish nurse
- She smuggled 2,500 children from the Warsaw Ghetto in WW2 then provided them with fake ID and shelter
- She found non-Jewish families for the children to be adopted by
- Nazi's broke her arms and legs for it
- she kept all the names in a jar in her back yard and tried to find their families
- A Polish nurse
- Untitled
- Overarching Religious Opinions
- Bosnian War
- 1992-1995
- Case Studies
- Vietnam War
- 47,000 died
- 8.7m troops
- 5 16y/o killed
- 5283 lost limbs
- average troop age was 22
- 7500 women served
- Chinese Invasion of Tibet 1959
- They broke vows not to fight- which goes against the first moral precept
- Chinese government had a mass genocide of Tibetans
- They taught the children
- Buddhist War
- Vietnam War
- 250,000 died
- UN refused to intervene
- 18/3/94 - Muslims and Croats signed peace accord
- 20/12/95 - NATO takes over peacekeeping duties from UN
- 19/2/94 - NATO shoots down Serbian Aircraft
- Army Chaplain: a religious minister who brings religion to all British troops; Buddhist, Muslim, Christian etc
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