AS Ethics - War
- Created by: Cat1345
- Created on: 17-05-16 15:30
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- War
- Utilitarianism
- Rule Util
- If people go to war without a just cause it would be an unstable world
- If we follow the just war theory the world would be a better place
- Act Util
- Wouldn't support selfish motives
- Accepts war as long as it makes the world a better place
- Rule Util
- Categorical Imperative
- Wouldn't support needlessly going to war- might die which is contradictory to the will
- Supports declaring war in defence of others
- We could universalise a motion to go to war to defend another country because we would want them to protect us
- If soldiers didn't care about making the world a better place then we would be using them as a means to an end and Kant would be against it
- Natural Law
- we should protect the innocent which justifies going to war to defend others
- Should be seen as last resort
- Principles of natural law are based on the concept of the sanctity of life
- impossible to fight war without an innocent being killed, so every other solution must be tried before war is declared
- we should protect the innocent which justifies going to war to defend others
- Situation Ethics
- Do the most loving thing
- May mean go to war- Augustine said we should love our enemys as we kill them (as Jesus instructed)
- Against the use of excessive force, using nuclear, chemical/biological weapons etc
- Do the most loving thing
- Utilitarianism
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