- Created by: valentina__calcagni
- Created on: 22-03-21 17:30
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- Volksgemeinschaft
- Youth
- Policies
- non-Nazi teachers sacked - 97% belonged to National Socialist Teacher's League
- Focus on German, Biology were v important (re-written)
- Elite schools established to propagate Nazi ideology to future elite e.g National Political Education Institutes and (10) Adolf Hitler schools
- Dec 1936 - compulsory membership of Hitler Youth - 7.5mil by 1939
- Led: Baldur von Shirach
- Young Girls League (ages 10-14) - over 10k by 1933
- Hitler Youth - strength, exciting actives (camping, hiking), marching in uniforms and belonging attracted demoralised youth
- Limitations
- Intro of curfews, prohibitions of smoking/drinking provoked more alienation at a time when youth should have been mobilised to fight
- formation of rebel 'pirate gangs' e.g swing movement - having sex + playing jazz
- Policies
- Workers
- Public works and creation of jobs
- central part of unemployment plan - 1bil RM invested into schemes
- building roads (autobahns), canals, houses
- Tax concessions - 40% increase in car production
- Voluntary Labour Service - by 1935 employed 500k men
- Unemployment fallen to 2.4m by 1934
- Reich Labour Service - 18-25 y/o men had to do 6 months work service - poorly paid, hard labour + conditions - but absorbed lot of unemployed
- most workers earning 20% more in 1939 (than 39)
- central part of unemployment plan - 1bil RM invested into schemes
- German Labour Front
- Independent TU replaced by DAF - under nazi control (wages, hours etc) + mandatory
- 5m- 22m, 1933-39
- Working hours 43-47, 33-39
- Promoted by campaigns of better conditions - good ventilation, lighting, hot meals and activities
- unrest dealt with harshly - strikes 1936 in Berlin
- Strength Through Joy
- State welfare organisation - support workers, improve conditions + morale
- incentives for loyal workers - state-paid holidays, sport facilities in break
- beauty of labour SdA organisation
- incentives for loyal workers - state-paid holidays, sport facilities in break
- KdF holidays - 2.3m 1934, 10.3 1938
- State welfare organisation - support workers, improve conditions + morale
- Middle-class Mittelstand - employers encouraged to eat in same canteen
- Courts of Honour - resolves disputes between worker and employer
- Public works and creation of jobs
- Farmers*
- Production 20% 1928-38
- Reich Food State - each hen had to lay 65 eggs/year
- Tariffs reduces imports
- Reich Entailed farm laws e.g banned division of farms
- Youth
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