A2 1900-45 Music examples
- Created by: Katie Price
- Created on: 08-04-15 11:23
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- Vocal music 1900-45
- Choral
- Oedipus Rex (Stravinsky)
- Caedit nos pestis
- Dramatic pauses
- Syllabic Chanting
- Homophonic Texture
- Caedit nos pestis
- Hymnus Paradisi (Howells)
- Requiem aeternam
- Modes
- Dorian on E
- pentatonic scale
- Chramatic alterations
- Modes
- Requiem aeternam
- Oedipus Rex (Stravinsky)
- Solo's and duets
- Oedipus Rex (Stravinsky)
- Liberi, vosliberabo
- Orante melodies
- Wide vocal range
- Mellisma
- Liberi, vosliberabo
- Peter Grimes (Britten)
- The Truth - The Pity - and the Truth
- Bi-tonal tonality
- Narrow vocal range
- The Truth - The Pity - and the Truth
- Erwartung(Schoenburg)
- Da Kommit ein Licht
- Atonal
- Dramatic dynamic changes
- Orchestra quiet unconnected
- Da Kommit ein Licht
- On wenlock edge (Vaughn Williams)
- From Far, from eve and morning
- Continuous string accompaniment but broken on the word say
- Recitative voice
- Piano broken chords
- From Far, from eve and morning
- Chanson Galliardes (poulenc)
- Madrigal
- Scalic flourishes in piano
- Stacatto note, trills, grace nots
- Melismas
- Madrigal
- Oedipus Rex (Stravinsky)
- Choral
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