Vivaldi Concerto in D minor mov 2
- Created by: E.H13
- Created on: 15-04-18 14:33
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- Vivaldi Concerto in D minor mov. 2
- Texture
- First 3 bars are homophonic
- Fugal texture builds up to a 4 part polyphony in bar 16
- LINK to Pachelbel's canon which starts off homophonic when builds up a fugal texture
- Structure
- After, first 3 bars, fugal opening
- Split into episodes and ritornello sections
- LINK to Vivaldi double cello concerto
- Episodes written for sonata group, then ritornello section includes everyone
- Rhythm
- Homorhythm for first 3 bars
- LINK to Pachelbel's canon, which also begins homorhythmic
- Occational tied rhythms to drive forward music
- LINK to Back Ein Feste Burg mov. 1
- Homorhythm for first 3 bars
- Melody
- Subject, then real answer heard a 5th above
- Circle of 5ths heard in the 2nd half of the subject
- Counter subject
- Subject, then real answer heard a 5th above
- Forces
- Ritornello (everyone)
- Episodes (written for sonata group)
- LINK to Vivaldi double cello concerto
- Basso continuo
- LINK to Telemann viola concerto in G minor
- Makes it sound very baroque
- Harmony
- 7th chords in root position in the first 3 bars
- Tonic pedal at the end of the mov.
- Occational 1st inverstiion 7th chord
- Functional harmony
- LINK to Telemann Viola concerto, which also uses functional harmony
- Tonality
- Mainly on D minor, however modulates to related keys in ritornello 2
- Texture
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