Safe Delivery, Storage, Cooking & Serving Fish
- Created by: Rococo
- Created on: 04-06-15 08:28
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- How to ensure the safe delivery, storage, cooking & serving of fish
- HAZARD High risk food could be contaminated with food poisoning bacteria when you accept delivery
- Each product must be delivered at the correct storage temperature - i.e. fresh fish at 5°C or below and frozen fish at -18°C or below (no signs of defrosting)
- Supplier must have a good reputation/be known to chef/suitable transport - clean (and delivery person) etc
- The fish must look good - bright, plump eyes/pink gills/lots of scales/firm flesh
- The fish must smell fresh/of the sea - not a 'strong' smell
- Check sell by/use by dates on frozen products
- Delivered in fresh ice
- Do not accept delivery if there is any doubt about the produce
- Packaging should be intact
- HAZARD If not stored correctly food poisoning bacteria can grow - fish, especially shellfish, is a high risk food. It could contaminate other food.
- Must be stored at correct temperature, fresh fish 5°C/frozen fish -18°C
- Fish should be stored wrapped or in a lidded container (absorbing smells)
- Store away from other foods to avoid cross contamination/use fish keeper/other fridge
- All food must be date labelled
- Rotate the stock - put new fish behind the old fish - where appropriate
- Place raw fish in deep trays/leak proof containers at the bottom of the fridge to prevent cross contamination
- Do not remove the fish from fridge until needed for use
- HAZARD Food poisoning bacteria could grow causing illness
- Cooked fish must be served piping hot/75°C at core
- Do not 'hot hold' fish fillets
- All fish must be served immediately to prevent bacterial growth
- Any cold fish dishes e.g. prawn cocktails must be kept in the fridge until seervice
- Do not re-heat the dishes
- Ensure fish is boned correctly
- Wash hands after serving or cooking fish before touching other foods
- Use a blue chopping board
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