Food and Nutrition- Vegetarianism
- Created by: Abbie Broadbent
- Created on: 02-04-13 11:14
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- Vegetarianism
- Health Benefits
- healthier-lower cholestorol
- more vitamins and minerals to prevent deficiency diseases
- more fibre to help the digestive system
- lose weight as there is a lot of fat in meat so they won't be getting all the fat
- Protein Alternatives
- Tofu- made by curdling soya milk with calcium sulphate
- TVP- made from soya bean flour with fat removed
- Quorn- the ingredient is mushroom in origin
- Reasons for Vegetarianism
- some people think it is healthier
- you may have been bought up as a vegetarian
- you may not like the taste, or you may not be able to afford meat as it is very expensive
- some think its wrong to kill animals for food or don't like the way animals are kept
- some people think its fashionable or vegetarianismis their religious requirment
- Health Benefits
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