Varieties of Conservatism
- Created by: TomRayner
- Created on: 06-05-13 13:23
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- Varieties of Conservatism
- Traditional
- Original ideology of the old Tory Party
- Britain didn't need a liberal revolution that plagued Europe, it was already a free society secured by tradition and institution
- They say that humans are fundamentally irrational and in need of leadership
- Because of this, humans need hierachy, authority and leadership
- Elements in the current Conservative party include nationalism under eurosceptism and royalism
- One Nation
- Fundamental importance of hierachy and elitism, betters had a duty to help out the lower types
- A nation that had witihin it very great wealth and dreadful levels of property was not stable
- Some argue that it was this that was at the forefront of the post war consensus - NHS, welfare
- New Right
- Radical breed adopted by Thatcher Government
- Based upon neo-conservatism and neo-liberalism
- Neo Liberalism
- Laissez-faire, free market capitalism
- Not generally associated with the right until 30s depression and mrs T (UK
- Neo- Conservatism
- Strong approach relating to traditional values
- Rejection of permissive liberal ideology of the 1960s
- Traditional
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