The Value of Human Life.
- Created by: KeelanCooke190596
- Created on: 08-05-15 11:27
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- Value of Human Life.
- Sanctity of Human Life.
- Abortion.
- Contraception.
- Euthanasia.
- Buddhism.
- Christianity.
- Made in the Image of God.
- Christianity - Humans as an expression of God.
- Soul and Dualism.
- Francis Crick.
- Neural Code.
- Paul Bloom.
- Consequences of No Soul.
- Paul Bloom.
- Neural Code.
- Francis Crick.
- Soul and Dualism.
- Islam - Cardinal Virtue and Cardinal Sin.
- Freud.
- Wish Fulfilment.
- Father Figure.
- Collective Neurosis.
- Christianity - Humans as an expression of God.
- Instrumental and Intrinsic Value.
- Charles Darwin.
- Evolution
- Natural Selection.
- Evolution
- Richard Dawkins.
- Memetic Theory.
- Evolutionary Process Has Ended In Humans.
- Evolve Ways Created by Humans.
- Evolutionary Process Has Ended In Humans.
- Memetic Theory.
- Charles Darwin.
- Dominion.
- Christianity.
- Stewardship.
- Islam.
- Free Will.
- Calvanism.
- Predestination.
- Arminianism.
- Humanism.
- Self Actualisation.
- Real Self.
- Ideal Self.
- Calvanism.
- The Importance of Present Life.
- Mosaic Covenant.
- The 10 Commandments.
- The New Covenant.
- The Beattitudes.
- The Golden Rule.
- The Beattitudes.
- Mosaic Covenant.
- Sanctity of Human Life.
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