Right Realist question plan
- Created by: lydia.stoppard
- Created on: 12-04-15 18:00
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- Using material from item A and elsewhere, assess the value of the Right Realist approach to Crime and Deviance
- What is it?
- Causes?
- Biological, Socialisation, Rational choice
- Causes?
- Wilson and Herrnstein (1985)
- Murray (1990) Welfare dependency
- Zero Tolerance
- Wilson and Kelling (1982) Broken Windows
- Item A
- 70% young offenders come from lone parent families
- Increase cost of crime
- Evaluation
- Lilly et al (2002) over emphasises biological factors
- Police may abuse their power (ethnic)
- Left Realists
- Marxist structural cause
- What is it?
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