us policy and intervention p2

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  • US policy and intervention p2 1954-64
    • The Vietcong -
      • an anti-south government group set up in South vietnam
      • set up in 1960
      • because there was much anger and frustration at Diem's failure to hold the elections agreed at geneva
      • they wanted to overthrow Diem and make a new gov
      • they wanted to unify vietnam
      • they used guerrilla tactics
    • the US response
      • they sent 16,000 advisers to s.v to train the ARVN to fight the vietcong
      • they failed to defeat the vietcong
      • there was a language barrier between the vietnamese and the US
      • the US troops were unable to stop the vietcong from coming at night once they had left
      • the USA supported the ARVN which was seen as part of Diem's corrupt gov
      • after kennedy died, johnson increased advisers to 20,000
    • Strategic hamlet programme
      • introduced by Diem, and supported by US
      • it saw around 5,000 new villages built in s.v
      • march 1962
      • Why? =
        • Diem was unpopular and wanted to win the people back
        • the hidden reason was to stop vietcong using peasant villages for food and shelter
      • Why did it fail? =
        • the new villages needed inhabitants, so people were forced to move against their will
        • peasants didn't want to travel further to their rice fields
        • not enough food provided by Diem, so some faced starvation
      • Consequences-
        • Diem lost support
        • membership of vietcong and NLF increased by 300% in 2 years
        • led to kennedy to increase US involvement
    • Fall of Diem -
      • Why =
        • lost the Battle of Ap Bac (s.v vs vietcong)
        • Diem attacked a buddhist procession
        • Quang Duc burnt himself alive
        • US announced they do not support Diem anymore
      • Diem was removed from power by the ARVN and assassinated
    • The gulf of Tonkin incident 1964 -
      • when three N.V boats fired at the USS Maddox
      • Events -
        • august 2 - maddox was approached by 3 n.v boats
          • maddox sent warning shots, and n.v boats attacked back
        • there was some confusion whether or not there was another attack
      • Results -
        • Johnson ordered airstrikes on N.V
        • n.v increased number of supplies and troops going to s.v


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