Human Geog 1
- Created by: KeelyBrown
- Created on: 30-05-18 13:28
View mindmap
- Urban issues and challenges
- The DTM
- Examples and details
- Pyramids
- Diagram
- Causes of uneven development
- Physical
- Historical
- Physical
- Measures of development
- Infant Mortality
- Birth rate
- Death rate
- Microfinance
- Debt relief
- Issues
- Impact
- Trade
- Free trade
- Trading groups
- TNC's
- Fair trade
- Intermediate technology
- The Multiplier effect
- Foreign investment in Africa
- Tourism
- Goat aid project
- Migration
- Malaria
- Development impacts
- Health
- Wealth
- Adv/disadv
- Push/pull factors of migration
- Urban decline
- Urban deprivation
- Nigeria
- basic info
- Global importance
- Aid in nigeria
- Global importance
- Africa importance
- Politics
- Main exports
- Unilever
- Shell oil
- Environment issues
- impact on quality of life
- What has influenced economy
- Social issues
- basic info
- UK
- How has industry changed?
- Globalisation
- What is it
- Why has it?
- Impacted UK industry
- Business parks
- Post industrial economy
- Development of IT
- Science parks
- North south divide
- What caused it
- Strategies to reduce it
- Development of UK policies
- Research
- Uk ports and airports
- Links with wider world
- Links with EU
- Links with commonwealth
- South cambridgeshire
- Outer hebrides
- Road and rail improvement
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