Urban dynamics
- Created by: Share63
- Created on: 11-09-18 11:29
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- Urban dynamics of change
- Principal influences
- Technologial changes
- Transport & telecommunications
- Economic restructurng
- Globalisatin and information technology
- Changing economic character
- Greater inequalities of income
- Decline in inner city manufacturg
- Centralisatn of business services and finance
- Globalisatin and information technology
- Social & cultural change
- Increased ageing population
- increased life expectancy
- changes in type of family units
- less in households/more homes required
- Technologial changes
- 2 Exurburbinisation
- City >rural but maintain links to city
- 1 Surburbinisation
- inner city>outer urban areas
- 7 Urban Village
- Distinctive community
- 3 Counter urbanisation
- Decentralisation
- Movement from large urban centres>smaller urban centres
- 4 Urban decay
- Deterioration of built environment
- 6 Urban consolidation
- Government policy
- 8 Spatial Exclusion
- Defence of luxury by restriction of spatial access
- 5 Urban renewal
- redevelopment of inner city
- Principal influences
- 5 Urban renewal
- redevelopment of inner city
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