Freiburg, Germany
- Created by: ofields755
- Created on: 29-05-15 14:33
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- Freiburg, Germany
- pop- over 200,000
- Early 1970s - city had a major traffic problems
- now a city close to 'car-free' living
- Traffic calming
- Pedestrian zone- 1973
- Provision of public transport was optimised
- Tram routes went from north- south and east to west of the city
- 30 km/ hour speed limit was introduced
- Managing public high ways and adjacent land
- No free parking
- Encourage communters to park and ride
- Concentrating traffic and improving roads
- Public transport
- Promote the use of public transport e.g. trams
- number of passengers increased by 10%
- Travel card is DM71 per month
- Bicycle use
- cycle lane plan in 1970
- 500 kilometres of interconnecting lanes
- 5,000 parking spaces for bike
- more at tram stops - bike and ride
- pop- over 200,000