Dyslexia strategies
- Created by: kate moscato
- Created on: 05-01-17 09:09
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- Strategies for supporting Dyslexia
- Begin every lesson by outlining its content and end with summary
- Link prior knowledge with new information
- Break learning into small steps
- Speak slowly and distintly
- Intersperse "listening" times with "seeing and doing" times
- Make teaching multi-sensory
- Allow extra time for written work
- When marking, put more emphasis on content
- Be constructive and positive
- Enccourage pupils to: take responsibility for own work; Word process; read more; use highlighters; use personal word book for key subject vocabulary
- AVOID: Dictating notes; Asking pupils to read aloud to class
- Make photocopies of overheads and notes available to students
- Be sensititve to the fact that students may be embarrassed by their limited literact work, poor memory and lack of organisation
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