Unrequited Love
Mind map showing the texts I have read that link to unrequited love including quotations.
- Created by: Sam Brewer
- Created on: 14-04-13 22:00
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- Unrequited Love
- Great Expectations
- Presented by Miss Havisham
- One of the key parts of the novel is the frozen state we find Miss Havisham in with everything as it was on her wedding day
- She was abandoned on her wedding day
- Treats all men in the same way and trains her adopted daughter, Estella, to hurt men as she was hurt
- We see how she uses Pip in the early parts of the novel- it also creates an illusion to Pip that isn't removed until the novels ending
- "I'll tell you what real love is. It is blind devotion, unquestioning self-humiliation, utter submission, trust and belief against yourself and the whole world, giving up your whole heart and soul to the smiter"
- Although this quotation could be used to show other types of love, it does let us into the devotion Miss Havisham was willing to give in love before she was stood up
- Presented by Pip (until the ending)
- Misled by Miss Havisham and Estella that he was to become a gentleman and marry Estella
- His romantic interest, Estella, was just using him as 'practice'
- There are moments early in the novel when Estella appears to show feelings for Pip though Miss Havisham soon sees that it is stopped
- Suggested at the ending that his love is reciprocated by Estella
- Presented by Miss Havisham
- Wuthering Heights
- Heathcliff towards Catherine
- Could be argued that love isn't unrequited as the two are described as very thick by Nelly
- Catherine marries Edgar for increased social standing
- Heathcliff appears as if he can't do anything right to please Catherine, even after he has gone away to improve himself to Edgar's level
- Heathcliff towards Catherine
- Enduring Love
- Clarissa towards Joe
- Although in a relationship, Joe becomes paranoid in their relationship
- He searches through Clarissa's things when she is out
- Although in a relationship, Joe becomes paranoid in their relationship
- Jed towards Joe
- Clarissa towards Joe
- Othello
- Rodrigo towards Desdemona
- Untitled
- Rodrigo towards Desdemona
- Great Expectations
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