Unit Two Psychology
- Created by: Maddie
- Created on: 08-04-13 15:27
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- Unit 2
- Biological Psychology
- Stress
- Stressor
- Hypothalamus
- Pituatry Gland
- Adrenal Cortex
- Release of corticosteroids
- Adrenal Cortex
- Autonomic Nervous system
- Adrenal Medulla
- Release of adrenaline and nor-adrenaline
- Adrenal Medulla
- (HPA)
- (SAM)
- Pituatry Gland
- Hypothalamus
- General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)
- Stage One: Alarm
- Stage Two: Resistance
- Stage Three: Exhaustion
- Stress-related illness and the Immune System
- Kiecolt Glaser et al (1984)
- 1. Experiment: Medical students gave blood at a low stress time (a month before exams)
- 2. They also gave blood at high stress times (during exams)
- 1. Experiment: Medical students gave blood at a low stress time (a month before exams)
- 3. Findings: He found that during exams there was less NK (natural Killer) within the blood
- 4. Conclusion: At high times of stress the immune system was less efficient at fighting disease
- Kiecolt Glaser et al (1984)
- Personality factors
- Type A
- Excessive Competitive Drive
- Impactient and hostile
- Fast movements
- Rapid speech
- Very 'intense'
- More likely to suffer from CHD
- Type B
- Less competitive
- Less hostile and more patient
- Easygoing and tolerant
- Slower speech
- Slower movements
- Less likely to suffer from CHD
- Type C
- A mixture of type A and type B
- Hardy Personality (Kobassa)
- Commitment
- Challenge
- Control
- Type A
- Workplace Stress
- Work Environment
- 1. Noise
- 2. Temperature
- Work Overload
- 1.Quantitative:(Having more work than you can handle in the time allocated)
- 2.Qualitative: The work is too complex to complete under the conditions
- Control
- More stress can be felt in situations where there is less control
- Johansson et al
- More stress can be felt in situations where there is less control
- Work Environment
- Life changes and daily hassles
- Holmes and Rahe Social readjustment rating scale
- The Navy study
- Life Experiences Survey (LES)
- Holmes and Rahe Social readjustment rating scale
- Coping with stress
- Problem focused methods of coping
- Seeking social support
- Anticipatory coping
- Emotion-focused methods of coping
- Defense mechanisms
- Ie: Denial or intellectualisation (Explaining it away)
- Reappraisal of the situation
- Arousal reduction
- (Reduction of the senses)
- Defense mechanisms
- Physiological methods of coping
- Drug therapy ie beta blockers
- Problem focused methods of coping
- Stressor
- Stress
- Social Psychology
- Conformity
- Compliance
- Identification
- Internalisation
- Asch's line study
- Why people conform
- Informational social influence
- Normative social influence
- The power of social roles
- Social Impact Theory
- Obedience (why people obey)
- Milgram's agency theory
- Autonomous state
- Agentic State
- Legitimate authority
- Personal responsibility
- Social impact theory
- Strength
- Immediacy
- Number
- Milgram's agency theory
- Independent behaviour
- Reactance
- Group unanimity
- Personality
- Group size
- Gender
- Social change
- Conformity
- Abnormality
- Deviation from social norms
- Deviation from ideal mental health
- Failure to function adequately
- Measured on the GAF scale
- Biological causes of abnormality
- Infection
- Biochemistry
- Genetics
- Brain damage
- Biological therapies
- Drugs
- Curative
- Cure the problem
- Palliative
- Surpress the problem
- Curative
- Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
- Brief electric shocks to the brain
- Improves symptoms by altering levels of seratonin and noradrenaline
- Brief electric shocks to the brain
- Drugs
- Psychological approach to psychopathology
- Psychodynamic causes of abnormality
- Structure of the psyche
- All three must be in perect balance to stay 'normal'
- Ego
- Id
- Superego
- All three must be in perect balance to stay 'normal'
- Psychosexual development
- Oral stage
- Oral traits such as eating, drinking
- Anal stage
- Possible obsessions with clenlisness and order
- Phallic stage
- Anxiety and inadequacy. Problems with gender identity
- Genital stage
- Fixations from the early years become active and affect behaviour
- Oral stage
- Structure of the psyche
- Psychodynamic therapies
- Free assosiation
- When the subject talks freely
- Dream analysis
- Free assosiation
- The behavioural approach
- Classic conditioning
- Operant conditioning
- Becks cognitive triad
- Psychodynamic causes of abnormality
- Biological Psychology
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