Biology Unit 1 Topics AQA
- Created by: Sophie-louise97
- Created on: 18-03-14 16:19
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- Causes of disease
- pathogens
- data and disease
- lifestyle and health
- Enzymes and the Digestive Sytem
- Carbohydrates - monosaccharides + disaccharides
- enzyme action
- enzymes + digestion
- factors affecting enzyme digestion
- carbohydratedigestion
- enzyme inhibition
- proteins
- cells
- structure
- microscopes
- epithelial cell structure
- lipids
- cell-surface membrane
- diffusion
- osmosis
- active transport
- absorption in the small intestine
- cholera
- oral rehydration therapy
- Lungs and Disease
- structure
- mechanism of breathing
- exchanges of gases
- pulmonary tuberculosis
- fibrosis / asthma / emphysema
- Heart
- structure
- cardiac cycle
- heart disease
- immunity
- Defence mechanism
- phagocytosis
- T cells and cell mediated immunity
- B cells and humeral immunity
- antibodies
- vaccinations
- Causes of disease
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