Unit 3
- Created by: revisionnerd
- Created on: 01-06-16 12:20
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- The Establishment of SED rule.
- The Constitution
- Written by the SED
- The Volkskammer was essentially a 'Rubber Stamp'
- Written by the SED
- Unit 3
- 1953 riots
- Causes
- Ulbricht's May Directive - Work Norms increased by 10% meaning that the workers had to work harder for longer hours with no pay increase.
- Events
- Strikes occured in over 200 towns and cities across the GDR.
- Tanks were used by the soviets - '21' official deaths.
- Impact
- The power of the Stasi increased and they had to undertake daily reports.
- The riots showed that the West were not willing to intervene outside of their Zones.
- KPD banned in the West
- The leaders of the uprising were arrested. - 7 death sentences
- Russia's interference meant that they recogonised the GDR
- Caused COMECON to be created - Focused on increasing trade within the E.Bloc
- On Moscow's instence a new course emerged. Prices of certain goods lowered and more resources.
- Ulbricht later abandoned this for the 2nd five year plan which favoured heavy industry.
- SED purged through its ranks. - 50,000 lesser party members removed.
- Further troubles in 1956.
- The Hungarian uprising occured.
- Ulbricht prevented a similar outbreak in the GDR by releasing 20,000 political prisoners and by reducing the working week.
- This saved Ulbricht as there were plans for him to leave.
- Ulbricht prevented a similar outbreak in the GDR by releasing 20,000 political prisoners and by reducing the working week.
- The Hungarian uprising occured.
- Causes
- Economic Plans (All policies were shaped by the communist Ideology - by 1951 76% of trade was directed towards the soviet bloc).
- Starting Point
- Couldn't access the Ruhr.
- Dismantled Industrial Plants.
- 25% of industry was for the USSR up unitl 1950.
- Labour hemorage -Mass Exodus
- Agriculture
- 85% of agriculture Collectives by 1960.
- Major waves of collectivisation -1945, 1952 and 1960.
- By 1952 45% of agriculture were collectives.
- Industry
- 213 SAGS which focused on providing goods for the USSR
- Most business' were VEBS (People's enterprises) - 76% of total production.
- The focus on industry was targets.
- 7 year plan - Abandoned - The targets were too ambitious.
- A series of 5 year plans which focused on industry.
- First five year plan ( 1950) - Focused on heavy industry and remilitarisation - viewed as a success in particular the iron and steel industries.
- Ulbricht wanted the GDR economy to over take that of the FRG - GDR growing by 3% per annum - FRG growing by 8% per annum.
- Starting Point
- The Berlin Wall (1961)
- Key Causes
- Mass Exodus
- 2.5 million citizens fled the GDR up until 1961 - approx 1.6 million of these went through Berlin.
- Most people fleeing were young skilled workers and therefore the GDR had an ageing population.
- The Cold War
- The FRG was a Capitalsit embrassment for the GDR.
- Khrushchev offered the Berlin Ultimantium - The West had 6 months to declare Berlin a Free city this was rejected.
- Ulbricht
- Already began to gather supplies.
- Put pressure on Khrushchev for the Wall
- Impact
- Just after 6 weeks of the wall being up 85 border guards fled -Conrad Schuman left just after 48 hours.
- Made reunification less likely.
- 3,200 people caught trying to escape.
- Tore families apart.
- Ulbricht got his 'anti-facist protective wall.'
- A Niche Society was created
- By the late 1960's GDR wages had risen
- Guranteed Labour supply
- Mass Exodus
- Key Causes
- State Socialism
- Youth
- Marxist-Lennism compulsory at all education levels.
- Private schools abolished
- Elite schools established - For those with special talents one of which was being the child of the Elite
- Regulary visted factories to prepare them for the future.
- Private schools abolished
- Youth groups such as the Young Pioneers gave them new experiences.
- By not being a member there future was effected.
- Atlhletics was highly praised.
- Marxist-Lennism compulsory at all education levels.
- Woman
- A woman's duty to work.
- One household day off per month
- 1965 Family code - equal share of housework
- By 1977 87% of woman between the ages of 16-69 had a low skilled job outside of the home.
- A woman's duty to work.
- Culture
- Worker's urged to pick up their pens..
- Culture subject to socialism.
- Workers paradise
- Subsidised goods, housing, gas e.t.c
- Everyone had a job
- Healthcare facilities in factories
- Everyone had a job
- FDGB reported subvervise activity.
- Workers had to be part of this Trade Union
- Subsidised goods, housing, gas e.t.c
- The Church
- Ulbricht tried to weaken the Churches by banning it's Youth Groups.
- The Church provided care homes e.t.c and therefore was needed for society to continue.
- July 1958 - Truce between the Church and the State - Church to continue as a seperate body - respecting the developments towards Socialism.
- Ulbricht tried to weaken the Churches by banning it's Youth Groups.
- Youth
- Foreign Influences
- The West
- The Hallstein Doctrine meant there were no relations.
- Any country wanting to have any relations with the FRG was barred from the GDR
- The Hallstein Doctrine meant there were no relations.
- Russia had to back all decisions.
- The Warsaw Pact
- The Eastern Bloc's version of NATiO
- GDR had it's own people's army.
- The GDR Government stressed this was to defend itself against the imperialist West.
- Conscription had to be introduced due to the anti-war sentiment of the GDR citizens (1962)
- The USSR had to reocgnise the GDR's soviengtry.
- With the failure of the Berlin ultimantium ulbricht demanded that Khrushchev signed a seperate treaty on Berlin
- The West
- 1953 riots
- Initial developments
- The elections were delayed for a year.
- The Stasi was set-up.
- The FDJ and FDGB were infilitrated with the Government.
- The Stasi was set-up.
- The elections were delayed for a year.
- Ulbricht
- Mass Purges carried out - 1950-1951.
- The ruling class lived in the height of hypocritical luxury.
- He had the backing of Honecker and tight central control e.g. The Stasi and Judiciary was biased.
- The Berlin Wall strengthened his position.
- 1950 Elections
- 99.72% of the population voted on the Unity List - Not voting on this list would make you an enemy of the state.
- SED received 25% and Mass organisations received 30%
- 99.72% of the population voted on the Unity List - Not voting on this list would make you an enemy of the state.
- The Constitution
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