UKCAT Abstract patterns
- Created by: gaby
- Created on: 16-02-14 15:07
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- UKCAT Abstract Reasoning
- Shape
- Type
- Objects same type?
- Object that stands out?
- Reappearing object?
- Differing by colour/size/position or anything?
- Size
- Same size?
- Different sizes?
- Consistent shape?
- Intersections
- No of intersections
- Only certain types intersect?
- Only certain colours?
- Only odd/even no of sides?
- Only intersect in certain ways
- Only curved edges/Straight edges
- Only intersect 2 sides of object/3 sides
- Intersect forms a shape that reoccurs
- Type
- Colour
- Relative relationship between no. of colours
- Edges on white = Edges of black X 2 = 10
- Are type of object always the same colour?
- Relative relationship between no. of colours
- Number
- Objects
- Number of objects?
- No. of objects of the same type?
- Relative relationship between no of type of objects?
- eg. No of white objects = No of black objects + 2
- eg. No of triangles = No of circles +2
- Is the no. of a type of object linked to another feature?
- eg. No of circles = No of sides of another object
- Sides
- Individual
- All have no. of sides that are a multiple?
- Is the number of one object linked to another
- eg. No of object 1 = No of object 2 + 4
- In Total...
- All have no. of sides that are a multiple?
- All odd or even
- No. of sides the same?
- Individual
- Angles
- All under/over 90 degrees
- All under/over 180 degrees
- Fixed number of right angles?
- Does the number of right angles match the number of other objects
- Objects
- Position
- Objects or type of objects always in the same place?
- Do some objects point in a direction
- Object in same position relative to another object
- Square always below cirlce
- Shapes arranged in same clockwise/anticlockwise manner
- Objects inside another
- Same number of object
- Same type of object
- Same object
- Overlap
- No. of overlap
- Same type of objeects overlapping
- Same objects overlapping
- Arrows
- Pointing to same direction
- All avoid one direction
- Shape
- Differing by colour/size/position or anything?