Types of religion
- Created by: Becky Shoon
- Created on: 14-01-14 12:35
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- Types of religion
- Totemism and animism
- Associated with tribal rituals and smaller cultures.
- Totems: Animals or plants that are believed to have supernatural powers.
- Animism: Belief in ghosts or spirits.
- E.g. the beliefs of the Amba.
- Theistic religions
- Centre around belief in a sacred, higher and controlling power.
- Monotheistic: Believe in one divine power.
- Polytheistic: These religions focus on a number of separate gods.
- The case of Buddhism
- Buddhism has no concept of god.
- Buddhists revere those who have achieved perfect enlightenment,
- Set values and standards by which followers are directed to live their lives.
- Totemism and animism
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