Types os research methods and data sources
- Created by: ashley211
- Created on: 14-02-19 09:27
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- Quantitative And Qualitative
- Quantitaive
- data based on number
- research can easily be replicated
- comparisons can be made
- not always generalisable
- Qualitative
- data based on meanings and descriptions
- data can be generalised
- deeper understanding of concepts
- time consuming as data must be interpreted
- Quantitaive
- Primary And Secondary Data
- Secondary Data
- data that already exists
- it may be the only source of info
- interpretivist gain ideology
- Secondary Data
- Quantitative And Qualitative
- Primary Data
- data that researcher produce themselves
- time consuming
- Primary And Secondary Data
- Secondary Data
- data that already exists
- it may be the only source of info
- interpretivist gain ideology
- Secondary Data
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