- Created by: jchick47
- Created on: 27-03-14 18:58
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- T.S Eliot
- Themes
- Death- Eliot constantly refers to death. It's meaningless.
- Water- a sense of rebirth of modern life.
- Futility and sterility of modern life
- Sex and women- women are constantly being debased, meaningless sex.
- Love and passion
- Sacrifice- especially in The Hollowmen
- Lonlieness
- Isolation
- Society and modern life- how this changes, how views depends on actions- can use Prufrock
- Religion
- Dissilusionment
- Journey
- Untitled
- Poems
- Portrait of a Lady
- The love song of J Alfred Prufrock
- Preludes
- Rhapsody on a windy night
- Burial of the dead, A game of Chess, The fire Sermon, Death by Water and What the thunder said.
- Ariel poems
- Animula
- The Journey of the Magi
- Marina
- A song for Simeon
- Themes
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