Transport Forecasts
A summary of the components, past paper questions, the problems with measurement and the reasons why transport forecasts are useful to government.
- Created by: TessAni
- Created on: 18-01-13 11:23
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- Transport Forecasts
- Components (future growth of...)
- Car Ownership
- Population Growth
- Industrial output
- Fuel Prices
- Import of goods
- Gross Domestic Product
- Uses of Transport Forecasts
- To estimate where the greatest traffic bottlenecks are likely to occur
- To determine future network needs - 'predict and provide'
- to be able to forecast the likely effects of particular transport policies - road pricing
- Problems with Transport Forecasts
- Based on estimates which may well be wrong
- An assumption is made that things will continue as before
- Past Paper Questions
- Analyse how and why economists forecast future growth in transport demand [15]
- Identify two problems with forecasting [4]
- Factors used in forecasting and how they affect future forecasts [4]
- Components (future growth of...)
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