Transport systems in plants
- Created by: jakeharris12345
- Created on: 22-04-18 19:16
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- Transport systems in plants
- phloem - moving food
- transports sugars made by photosynthesis from the leaves to the rest of the plant
- transported to growing areas of stems and roots where the sugars are needed to make new cells
- food is also transported to the storage organs where it provides an energy store for the winter.
- translocation
- transported to growing areas of stems and roots where the sugars are needed to make new cells
- transports sugars made by photosynthesis from the leaves to the rest of the plant
- xylem - moving water and mineral ions
- carries water and mineral ions from soil around the plant to stem and leaves
- why is transport so important?
- mineral ions are needed for the production of proteins and other molecules within the cells
- plant needs water for photosynthesis and to keep it upright
- when a cells has lots of water inside, the vacuole presses cytoplasm against cell walls
- gives support for young plants and structure of leaves
- when a cells has lots of water inside, the vacuole presses cytoplasm against cell walls
- phloem - moving food
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