- Created by: Stubbsyamy
- Created on: 03-04-14 20:11
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- social and economical factors
- Tourism
- Why has global tourism grown?
- Attractions
- Growth factors
- social and economical factors
- Technolgy
- Expanision in holiday choice
- How is tourism managed in the UK?
- The growth
- The contribution to the economy
- The Butler model
- National parks
- What are they
- Management stragtegies
- Mass tourism
- advantages and disadvanages
- Key term
- Example
- Extreme tourism
- Key term
- Extreme environments and activities
- Why has global tourism grown?
- The importance of tourism
- Economic
- Benefits in poorer countires
- Economic
- How is tourism managed in the UK?
- The growth
- The contribution to the economy
- The Butler model
- External factors in the early 21st century
- National parks
- What are they
- Management stragtegies
- Examples
- IMpacts
- Mass tourism
- advantages and disadvanages
- Key term
- Example
- Extreme environments and activities
- Target market
- Extreme tourism
- Key term
- Extreme tourism
- Antarctica
- The importance of tourism
- Benefits in poorer countires
- The importance of tourism
- How can tourism become more sustainable
- Tourism
- Why has global tourism grown?
- Attractions
- Growth factors
- Technolgy
- Expanision in holiday choice
- Why has global tourism grown?
- Ecotrousim
- Aims
- Example
- Aims
- Stewardship and conservation
- Tourism
- Ecotrousim
- Aims
- Example
- Aims
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