Topic 3 - Voice of the genome
- Created by: LauraJane Curtis
- Created on: 21-05-13 10:09
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- Topic 3 - Voice of the genome
- Cells
- Prokaryotic cells and their structure
- Eukaryotic cells and their structure
- Protein transport
- Meiosis (gamete formation)
- General
- Process
- Independent assortment of chromosome
- Crossing over
- Fertilisation in mammals
- Gametes and their features
- Fertilisation process
- Fertilisation in flowering plants
- Embryo and seed formation
- Process
- The cell cycle and mitosis
- Cell cycle
- Mitosis
- Importance of mitosis
- Stem cells
- Plant tissue culture
- Embryonic
- Differentiation
- In adults
- Stem cells in medicine
- Ethics
- Procedure
- Solutions
- Immuno-suppresants
- Tissue Typing
- Therapeutic cloning
- HFEA and Regulatory Authorities
- Genes and the environment
- Interactions
- Height
- Skin and hair colour
- Making melanin
- Seasonal colour change
- White and dark tips
- Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA)
- Cancer
- The cell cycle
- Oncogenes
- Tumour suppressor genes
- Inherited cancers
- The environment and cancer
- The cell cycle
- Interactions
- Gene activation
- The nucleus controls development
- Different genes are expressed
- Switching different genes on
- Cells
- Embryonic
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