- Created by: jess1997
- Created on: 19-12-13 13:16
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- Topic: 1
- 1997 Treaty of Versailles
- Reparations
- War Guilt Clause
- loss of territory
- The kapp putsch and munich putsch. threat from the right.
- stresemann
- as chancellor: created stability. dawes/young plan. loans from america. new currency rentenmark
- as foreign minister: locarno pact and got Germany into the league of nations
- 1919 constitution
- very democratic. universal sufferage.
- proportional representation = lots of weak coalitions. Article 48 gave the president emergency powers.
- revolution from bellow: German cities controlled by soviets
- 1918 revolution from above
- Ludenforf and hindenburg create new government. get rid of kaiser. Punished less by allies
- Armisitce signed in weimar not Berlin.
- Hyperinflation. ruhr crisis. lack of tax and income. print more money.currency worthless 1923
- 1997 Treaty of Versailles
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