Topic 3: The functions of the family
- The functionalist perspective on the family
- The Marxist perspective on the family
- Feminist perspective on the family
- Created by: E456
- Created on: 15-01-18 11:25
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- Topic 3: The functions of the family
- Functionalists
- summary
- society is based on a value consensus (a set of shared norms and values) into which society socialises its members
- George Murdock - four functions of the family
- (1) stable satisfaction of the sex drive
- (2) reproduction
- (3) socialisation of young
- (4) meeting its members' economic needs
- criticisms
- these functions can be performed equally well by other institutions
- feminists see family as serving the needs of men and oppressing women
- Marxists argue that it meets the needs of capitalism
- Parsons' 'functional fit' theory
- nuclear family fits the needs of industrial society and is the dominant family type in that society
- the extended family fits the needs of pre-industrial society
- family adapted to meet the industrial society's two essential needs
- (1) geographically mobile workforce
- (2) socially mobile workforce
- loss of functions means...
- primary socialisation of children
- stabilisation of adult personalities
- criticisms
- Young and Willmott: the pre-industrial family was nuclear not extended, due to late childbirth and shorter life
- summary
- Marxists
- summary
- see capitalist society as based on an unequal conflict between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat
- have identified several functions that they see the family as fulfilling for capitalism
- (1) inheritance of property
- monogamy became essential because of the inheritance of private property - Engel
- (2) ideological functions
- family performs a set of ideas or beliefs that justify inequality and maintain the capitalist system by persuading people to accept is as fair and natural
- (3) a unit of consumption
- the family plays a major role in generating profits, since it is an important market for the sale of consumer goods
- (1) inheritance of property
- criticisms
- assume the nuclear family is dominant in capitalist society - ignore other family structures
- feminists argue they undermine the importance of gender inequalities
- functionalists argue they ignore the real benefits of the family, such as mutual support and intimacy
- summary
- Feminists
- argue the family oppresses women
- Liberal feminism
- are concerned with campaigning against sex discrimination and for equal rights and opportunities
- women's oppression is being gradually overcome through changing attitudes and law
- are moving towards greater equality
- Criticisms
- other feminists argue that it fails to challenge the underlying causes of women's oppression and for believing that changes in the law will be enough to bring equality
- Marxist and radical feminist believe instead that far-reaching revolutionary changes to deep-rooted social structures are needed
- Marxist feminism
- main cause of women's oppression in family is capitalism
- (1) women reproduce the labor force
- (2) women absorb anger
- Fran Ansley: wives are 'takers of ****' - they soak up frustration of their husbands
- (3) women are a 'reserve army' or cheap labor
- Radical feminism
- all societies have been founded on patriarchy
- (1) men are the enemy
- (2) the family and marriage are key institutions in patriarchal society
- 'political lesbianism' - heterosexual relationships are inevitably oppressive because they involve 'sleeping with the enemy'
- Functionalists
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