Topic 2: civil rights
- Created by: Mahahmad12
- Created on: 02-01-24 20:18
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- In search for the American dream: civil rights
- Civil rights and the media
- Media helped CRM: helped with showing white people as violent, gained worldwide sympathy
- Media did not help CRM: image of non-violent black people assaulted by whites was replaced for images of burning cities, gave too much focus to leaders
- Black militancy
- Development of black power movement: many riots in New York, caused by long term problems of city life, issues in the north were getting less publicity
- Malcolm X: argued that SCLC and NAACP were in by myths - American Dream,, believed that self defence was a more powerful weapon
- Black power movement: emerged in 1969s as a response to racial inequality, emphasised racial pride and need for black political and economic empowerment, advocated for community control, self defence and cultural pride
- Success of CRM
- Achievements: new laws, open government support, voting numbers increase, more AA in better jobs
- Limit to success: affirmative action still needed, many AA not content with their position, economic gap between whites and blacks
- Native Americans:
- Situation? Tribes were driven out of their homelands, policy of termination
- Issues: tribal homeland-removed from homelands, self-determination: independent but under the control of federal gov
- Gaining CR: began to organise protests and sit ins
- Hispanic Americans
- issues: faced land dispossession, faced work exploitation, low wages etc
- Gains: raised awareness about struggles faced by AA,. Limitations: discrimination still ongoing
- Gay rights
- Issues: discrimination faced this in housing and jobs, homosexuality was illegal
- Gaining CR: peaceful protests, ensured media was widely aware of their issue
- Success of CRM for minority groups
- Hispanic Americans: civil rights legislation: advocacy efforts have resulted in passage of laws, Civil Rights Act ( 1964) prohibits discrimination based on race etc
- Native Americans: land and resource rights: legal victories and negotiated settlements that helped protect NA land
- Civil rights and the media
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