topic 1 weimar mind map
- Created by: potatoverymuch
- Created on: 27-10-20 01:27
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- the Treaty of Versailles and how it affected Germany
- Topic 1: The challenges facing the Weimar republic 1918-1923
- The Weimar Constitution
- Economic instability
- Reparations
- Invasion of the Ruhr
- Hyperinflation
- Main features of the new democracy and why it failed
- e.g. Article 48
- Economic instability
- Rsings on the left and the right
- The Spartacists
- The Kapp Putsch
- Formation of the NSDAP
- Nazi beliefs and tactics in the period 1920-1923
- The Munich Putsch
- The Weimar Constitution
- Main terms of the treaty e.g. territorial provision (Germany lost territory of economic importance - 20% of coal production etc)
- Results of the treaty
- still strong diplomatically but had psychological damage
- Hindenburg and the 'stab in the back' myth
- still strong diplomatically but had psychological damage
- Topic 1: The challenges facing the Weimar republic 1918-1923
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