Topic 1 Russia
- Created by: Mr_A_1881
- Created on: 06-06-22 12:26
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- 1- The rule of Nicholas II, 1894-1905
- Nicholas
II’s response
- August Manifesto
- October Manifesto
- Moscow Uprising
- Extent of Tsarist Recovery
- The
nature of autocratic rule
- Tsarist principles of autocracy, nationality and orthodoxy
- Oppression of nationalities
- Antisemitism
- Okhrana
- Opposition to Tsarism
- Peasants
- Working Class
- League to Liberation
- Social Democrats
- Social Revolutionaries
- Failure of Opposition
- 1905 Revolution
- Russo-Japanese War
- Bloody Sunday
- Spread of revolutionary activity
- Peasants
- Military
- National Minorities
- Urban unrest
- St Petersburg Soviet
- Nicholas
II’s response
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