To what extent was the Provisional Government doomed from the start?
- Created by: book.of.wisdom
- Created on: 15-11-20 17:53
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- To what extent was the Provisional Government doomed from the start?
- Government
- coalition government with Petrograd Soviet
- tension between socialists and liberals
- opposition from Lenin and Bolsheviks
- No support from aristocracy
- lack of control outside Petrograd
- PG was unelected body of members of Progressive Bloc
- lacked legitimacy
- 8 principles
- allowed full freedom of speech
- lack of censorship
- increased opposition
- allowed full freedom of speech
- increased opposition
- Petrograd Soviet allowed to take control of army
- Kerensky looked weak after Kornilov affair
- Bolsheviks were seen as heroes
- increased local government
- postponed elections for constituent assembly
- coalition government with Petrograd Soviet
- Society/ economy
- social unrest- peasants wanted reform
- growing peasant unrest since 1770s
- PG did not implement land reform
- poor living/working conditions = strikes
- release political prisoners = opposition
- social unrest- peasants wanted reform
- War
- WWI caused issues
- military failure= rise in socialists
- increased debts = inflation
- Society/ economy
- social unrest- peasants wanted reform
- growing peasant unrest since 1770s
- PG did not implement land reform
- poor living/working conditions = strikes
- release political prisoners = opposition
- social unrest- peasants wanted reform
- Society/ economy
- poor decision to carry on war
- June Offensive
- WWI caused issues
- MInorities
- Minorities demanded autonomy
- Government
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