Social change in the Stuart Era
- Created by: finn moffat
- Created on: 04-06-17 13:49
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- To what extent did the structure of British society change in the years 1625-85?
- Civil war and revolutionary ideas
- The civil war also heralded a new era of science and philosophy.
- A monarch's undisputed divine right to rule over his or her subjects was called into question and the works of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke were at the forefront of modern ideas about the nation-state and democracy.
- John Locke to this day is often referred to as the father of Liberalism.
- A monarch's undisputed divine right to rule over his or her subjects was called into question and the works of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke were at the forefront of modern ideas about the nation-state and democracy.
- The civil war also heralded a new era of science and philosophy.
- Employment/literacy
- Societal structure
- The Gentry class which had been growing since 1500, began to increase in wealth and social standing.
- New merchant class of professionals grew. This included doctors, lawyers and other professionals of a higher social standing.
- Population continued to increase since it was decimated by the plague in 1348.
- With an increase in population came both increased urbanisation as more people looked for work in Britain's growing cities, and a higher demand for food which came about with improved farming techniques and more advanced equipment.
- Untitled
- With an increase in population came both increased urbanisation as more people looked for work in Britain's growing cities, and a higher demand for food which came about with improved farming techniques and more advanced equipment.
- The role of women became much more significant.
- Many argue that the lives of the poor continued to improve under the Elizabethan poor laws which provided relief for the most in need.
- Civil war and revolutionary ideas
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